• Howto find memory leaks using code injection via LD_PRELOAD

    Introduction I recently had to find a memory leak in a huge C/C++ application running on linux. Unfortunately, I was not able to use valgrind, because the application was too slow when running inside the valgrind VM. So I decided to write my own memory debugging library. The key idea is to overwrite/replace the original…

  • Postfix and SASL

    Motivation Postfix and SMTP authentication can be a very time intensive issue, I had to cope with twice. The second time I had to reread all the documentation, because there were almost 5 years between the first and second attempt. This is what motivated me to write this documentation. Introduction Given a running postfix mail…

  • PS Selective Colorization

    Hello my friends out there! I know, it’s been a long time… Because I had to do it so many times now, here are some essential steps for selective colorization in Adobe PS: Open the desired image in PS Choose Layers – New Settings Layer – Black & White Confirm the popup with Ok, which…

  • Fetch youtube annotations

    Hi peeps, it’s me again. I just thought that it might be time to share something. I’ve tried to copy the text from a youtube annotation (those neat boxes that appear within a video). Unfortunately, it seems that flash doesn’t support it or youtube deactivates it. However, those annotations are kept in an xml-file attached…

  • Modify an initial ramdisk (initrd)

    Hi out there! Because modifying an initial ramdisk is something I had to do every once a while and I am pretty oblivious when it comes to “exotic” commands, I will persist the knowledge at this point. First of all, modern linux kernels (like everything above 2.6 or so) use an initrd that is a…

  • Need ldd on windows?

    Hey there, if you might ever need something like ldd on windows to figure out the dependencies on dynamic libraries of some binary, the following link could interest you: http://www.dependencywalker.com/

  • Got root on MacOS?

    Hey you root lovers, no, it’s not a dream, you can haz root on MacOS, too. First, out of security reasons, I recommend to use sudo to do all the nasty stuff on the console. If that ain’t enough, the root users needs to be enabled first. As on most modern Linux distributions, you can…

  • MacOS and locked files

    Hey peeps around the world, recently I copied some files from one mac to another via network. At first, the access rights on the remote computer were messed up somehow. The nobody user had its finger in the pie. Finally, I’ve made it to copy the files. Now that the files were on my disk,…

  • UDEV, USB and permissions

    Hi peeps, I’ve been stumbling on this so many times, so I decided to dedicate this post to the following issue: If you connect an USB device to your computer, trying to access it under Linux, you might run into permission issues caused by the UDEV daemon. In my case, I was trying to connect…

  • Emacs quoted insert

    Good morning folks out there, I’ve got another neat little feature of emacs for you today, it’s called quoted insert. I stumbled on this, because I use spaces for code indentation in my emacs, but I needed to insert an actual TAB character. So, in this situation, the combination C-q <TAB> is the way to…